
Wong, M.M. (2021). Silly putty: Mobilization of the known Across technology-enhanced learning spaces. Language & Literacy

Wong, M. M. (2019). “S:ay what you want…:” Rap battles in a technology-enhanced classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 72 (2), 169-182.

Wong, M. M. (2014). Smart virtual word walls: Moving away from the traditional into the digital. English in Texas, 44 (1), 27-29.

Book Chapters

Wong, M. M. (2022). Building a K-12 educator community of learners during emergency remote learning. In C. N. Giannikas (Ed.), Transferring language learning and teaching from face-to-face to online settings (pp. 287-305). IGI Global. 

Wong, M. M. & Wong, R.Y.T. (accepted). (Re)thinking the medical interview. In M. G. Tweedie & R. Johnson (Ed.), Perspectives on Medical English as a Lingua Franca. Cambridge Scholars Press.

Book Reviews

Wong, M. M. (2019). [A Review of Disconnect: Facebook’s Affective Bonds by T. Karppi]. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26 (4), 1023-1024. 

Wong, M. (2015). [Review of book Language online: investigating digital texts and practices by D. Barton & C. Lee]Language Learning and Technology, 19 (3), 65-68.

Conference Proceedings

Wong, M. (2013). Getting smart: Virtual word walls workshop. Presented at the International Perspectives on Technology-Enhanced Learning Conference, Vancouver, BC. Retrieved from,d.aWM

Masters Graduating Paper

Wong, M.M.W. (2009). Smart reading instruction for esl learners in the content area: Smartboards and interactive learning. (Masters Graduating Paper). Retrieved from .

PhD Dissertation

Wong, M.M.W. (2020). Mobilizing knowledge processes and lifeworld practices across learning spaces: Exploring grade 6 English language learners’ inquiry-based learning experiences in a technology-enhanced classroom [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of British Columbia. 

© 2021 Melanie M. Wong